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Fashion illustration

Beauty Fashion illustration

Beauty miracle: “Death Valley” dry shampoo by R+Co

December 9, 2015
aldraws fashion digital illustration r+co hair

I already knew that the States are the promised land for what concerns beauty: you can find any brand, any cool innovative product and any kind of new beauty concept store over there. I went there in Summer for work and while most of my two weeks on American soil were spent in the not-so-glamourous New Jersey suburbs, I had the chance to pay a brief visit to New York city, one of my uber-favourites cities in the world (but…

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Fashion Fashion illustration

Random fashion illustration #2: Aquazzura shoes

December 8, 2015

I love Aquazzura. There is something in their shoes that is just perfectly balanced. I think I’ve never seen a shoe designer able to infuse this perfect mix of femininity, modernity, elegance and sexiness in every single design of pumps and flats.I don’t know if it’s the shape of the shoe itself, or the way the lace-up detail adds a special touch but I find myself drooling on almost every single model.I will probably never be able to afford a…

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Fashion illustration

The random fashion illustration #1

December 3, 2015
aldraws fashion digital illustration zara girl hair

I have been desperately looking for some time to write a blog post in the last days after my holidays, but time is incredibly short lately. The adorable Belgian highway network is so crammed these days that my usual commute takes 4 hours a day (FOUR.HOURS.SERIOUSLY) instead of 2. Moreover, the managers of the project I’m working on had the brilliant idea of making me a team leader, so now the job is even busier than usual (goodbye lunch break…

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Fashion illustration Stories

The right to be shocked

November 16, 2015
aldraws fashion digital illustration paris girl

I thought I wouldn’t say a word about what happened in Paris on Friday. Honestly, I didn’t think there was much to say. Just silence and respect. And I couldn’t talk about it. I didn’t have an opinion about it. I was just feeling sad, and sick. I spent my Sunday trying to process it all on my couch, with my cat on my lap and a heavy feeling of inertia. Shell shocked, I thought that there was nothing meaningful…

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Beauty Fashion illustration

My lashes are bigger than yours

November 10, 2015
aldraws fashion digital illustration eyes lashes eyelashes mascara

Every make-up addict has her own quasi-OCD beauty obsessions. I know girls who have drawers full of lipstick and lipglosses and still have to find the “perfect shade”, others who do their nails perfectly every two days and own a closet full of nail polishes, others have every possible formulation of foundation from every brand (think of: “I’ve got the one for when it’s hot outside, the one for dry and cold weather, I have the high-coverage for evenings and…

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